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Hello and happy to be back. Today I'd love to inform you very fast story about my efforts at greatness. I have to say, don't try to create something that others possess many times over perfected and created.Always try to try for your own, even if it is a really popular and beaten up theory - to triumph with this, you always need to integrate your own, introduce some(item ) special that is you and also the thing. . You know what I mean? It is hard and creative process occasionally forgets that creativity comes from inside, that y'all projects will probably sooner or later begin copying parts of each other, integrating, inter-looping and inter-connecting to become one true good organism of your conscious efforts at greatness. .Did I try? I definitely gave it a 100 percent!!That is what I say after my latest effort to create my own location to upload and download youtube video to your laptop and upload them to other networks and social video platforms like Aparat, FC2, Weibo, Odnoklassniki, etc.. Cause video needs to circulate the Earth, you understand? It needs to instantly cross platforms without boundaries flow into all of the internet connected libraries and entities, platforms and storage archives... It needs to be maintained for its future generations. .In any case, my attempts... Well... I had to drop them... check this site There is too much work in it, an excessive amount of support required. I did look to it, I need to be honest. . And moreover big variety of servers and proxies involved, this will have to be rewarding, so after couple of months trying and dropping a few thousands of dollars on infrastructure, this part of my life is over.So I use"their" Youtube downloaderOf course"their" in this case means"somebody else, not ours". . I really don't know them, they do not know me. My favorite these days is Youtube downloader - it is super fast, it works great with Youtube and also 100s of different websites, and it's simply the nicest darkest portal site to download online videos. There is no API, therefore my private job of video exchange between platforms is delayed until I see that a good enough support platform. Nothing in the works right now, and after seeing how it all turned out, I realized better leave this to those who know what they're doing. . Here is how their website looks like: youtube downloader front page with search hintsIt's pretty cool, I love the darkness. . Try enter some search words - it offers popular localized search tags, pops out different suggestions so you do not need to keep typing...ConclusionFrom now I only try to follow my own strengths, that will be many things but making such websites... Making one is half of the job - the key is the service day in, day out...